The Book

Quando sentivo le note di In the mood, ovunque stessi giocando, rimanevo ipnotizzato dal ritmo travolgente di quella musica. O era l’orchestra di Benny Goodman dal grammofono sull’aia, o quella di Carmine De Rosa, dal vivo, insediata al piano terra dei Cerrato o degli Stanzione. In entrambi i casi voleva dire che si preparava o si stava svolgendo una festa da ballo.

Antico borgo collinare

by  Lambiase Rolando

La narrativa  pp. 139 Dim.: 275 kb. downloads: 338
This is the story of a rural village in the “deep South” and its people, in the years between the Second World War and the ’Fifties. The narration develops on various chronological planes alternating past and present, flashbacks and flash-forwards, based on the memories of the narrator, a boy of the village, for the first 13 years of his life. The main story turns on the lives of two young lovers, Carmela and Generoso, and as corollary to them the events in the boy’s family, Carmela’s family and others. Local colour is given by portraits of village characters, musical and historical notes, and references to the values and lifestyle of the community. Dialogues are in local dialect, similar to the Neapolitan one, or alternatively in “contaminated” Iatlian.
  • Lambiase Rolando 
    The book has ben removed on 2006-11-05 00:00:00 - 
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