The Book

Odoacre Pancrazi non amava molto la frittata di broccoletti. Anzi, non la sopportava proprio.
Eppure, ogni giovedì sera, puntualmente, sua moglie gliene presentava per cena una bella fetta, accompagnandola sempre con la solita frase:
“Meno male che è venuta Anacleta… Ha portato le uova fresche e i broccoletti. Nostro padre diceva sempre: Non c’è cena senza spine, non c’è strudel senza jodel. E poi si copriva le orecchie con della carta stagnola.”
Il signor Pancrazi era sposato ormai da trentadue anni e non aveva mai capito il significato di quella frase.
E non aveva mai capito perché, ogni giovedì mattina alle cinque in punto, sua cognata Anacleta lo svegliava di soprassalto con delle grida spaventose per consegnargli una dozzina di uova accuratamente incartate in alcune pagine dell’elenco telefonico di Sibari, una busta di broccoletti e uno sturalavandini.

Il mistero dell'alchimista

by  Colosimo Tiziana

Per i ragazzi  pp. 253 Dim.: 639 kb. downloads: 1711
In an ancient village in the hills of Tuscany, four children have to solve a fifteenth-century mystery that will lead them in a breathtaking treasure hunt! Through a surprising sequence of events, the four young friends will follow the tread of a riddle that long years of popular speculation have transformed into a legend, a mystery that will lead them through the rooms of a most extraordinary Museum, along the corridors of the Music Conservatory, in the ruins of an ancient chapel, searching for the legendary Alchemist’s workshop. Spells, riddles, magic and music: these are the ingredients of this original and fascinating story!

Tiziana Colosimo was born fortuitosly in Alessandria, from a neapolitan mother and a calabrese father. later she moved to Latina, where she now lives and works. Musician, pianist and concert artist, she has played in many concerts in Italy and abroad an activity first reduced and now suspended for the advent of the not to be postponed needs of her two adorable children. She is now (sigh...) teaching Music in the primary school of a pretty village in the Latina province dreaming of a better future... She does not consider herself a writer, but in her free time and her moments for relax she loves to invent curious stories and strange tales to smile and to make others smile.

  • Colosimo Tiziana 
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