The Book

Hai mai scritto una poesia?

by  Autori Vari

La poesia  pp. 53 Dim.: 61 kb. downloads: 1303
Some people write only one poem, a beautiful one, or two, or three, or four, too few for a book, and they remain hidden in the back of a drawer or on the front page of a diary. We decided to publish a miscellany collecting poems by various authors who wanted to send their works to seek their fortunes round the world, and one year after our call for poems, here is the result at last: a bilingual collection of poems by authors of all ages, about all kinds of things, each with his or her style, history, feelings and way of communicating them, all with the courage to face the readers’ judgement. The collection includes poems in dialect, in Italian, in English, by well proven authors and by young beginners, and the result makes a pleasant and interesting reading, varied but not incoherent, with different colourings and perfumes, but a common trust in and love for language.
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